Q+A with Sevil Sarp, Senior Architect (Istanbul)
How do you describe your job to people outside of the industry?
The architect starts a project from ground zero, then imagines, designs, and decides. In this process, other disciplines also start to support architects to turn into the project a reality. The project starts with the ideas of the architects and then ends with the collaboration of others.
Why did you decide to become an architect?
When I was a little kid, I liked to dream of unusual buildings. These buildings were flying above the clouds or in an endless sky. Then I grew up and decided to learn how to build my dreams realistically.
How would you describe life at Ghafari?
This is my first year at Ghafari. I can clearly state that I’ve seen great teamwork and coordination support even though the teams are in several different countries. All employees work in harmony and support each other.
What is the most exciting thing that has happened during your time here?
I am quite new at Ghafari, but I can share that building information modeling is a very useful technology that every architect should use for such big projects. I am still learning the most interesting shortcuts and details day by day, and it continues to surprise me.
What is a key idea or lesson you have learned while working at Ghafari?
Working in perfect harmony with all teams and doing our best to develop projects together is very important to us. Ghafari has a great work environment on projects with the power of teamwork and great compliance.
How do you like to spend your free time?
I like to travel, but since I cannot visit other countries due to COVID, these days I am exploring my city, Istanbul, in my spare time. Normally, breathing outside a church on top of a mountain in Georgia or catching an octopus in the idyllic waters of Greece is my life purpose.